Jennifer & Anthony

Saturday, November 16, 2024 • Lawton, OK

Jennifer & Anthony

Saturday, November 16, 2024 • Lawton, OK

Wedding Party

Justin Smith
Justin Smith - Best man
Justin and I have been causing trouble together since 1998. With me being the voice of reason, he still had the ability to talk me into driving to What-A-Burger at 2am when we were 17 and 16 respectively, or mooning the girls at a pool party by stating four little words, “I bet you won’t!”
Patricia Foster
Patricia Foster - Maid of Honor
Patricia aka Trissa, is my baby sister. She is full of spunk and bravery and is the best hype girl you will ever meet. She loves me more than I deserve given the times I locked her in a closet when she was little😂 and in her own way helped mold me into who I am. I always knew she was watching-and it made me want to be a woman she could be proud to have as a big sister. I’m thankful for the relationship she and I have now and can’t wait to have her stand by my side!
Gabby Cruz
Gabby Cruz - Maiden of Honor/Junior Bridesmaid
Gabby is my one and only sweet girl. My heart outside my body. She is the best parts of me and everything I could ever ask for in a daughter. She’s beautiful and sassy and so full of life!! I’m so proud she gets to stand next to me during this!
Melissa Alvillar
Melissa Alvillar - Matron of Honor
Melissa was one of my first nursing friends and in fact she trained me as a new baby nurse 13 years ago. She has become so much more than a colleague, but someone that has believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. She’s the first one to tell me to get my stuff together when I’m falling a part and to build me up when I need it. She’s got a laugh that’s infectious and the biggest heart. I couldn’t do this life without her!
Kaden Cruz
Kaden Cruz - The honor of walking his mom down the aisle
Kaden-my son. The one who made me a mother. There is something so special about my relationship with him. I’m so honored he will be walking me down the aisle! I couldn’t do this without him! He taught me what it was like to love someone more than your own self. He’s nearly a grown man now-but he’ll always be my baby boy.
Aundre' Johnson
Aundre' Johnson - Groomsmen
Dre was my first friend when I moved here to Lawton from Germany. We have over 30 years of shenanigans we still cannot speak of.
Josh Zukerman
Josh Zukerman - Groomsman
Oh Zuke! Where do I even begin. Josh is an endless source of laughter and entertainment. Josh and I were teammates since 7th grade for both baseball and football.
Megan Cabral
Megan Cabral - Bridesmaid
Megan and I met back in high school-but to be honest our friendship story didn’t start there. It wasn’t until we were much older-and Megan became “Miss Megan” to my kiddos that our bond started to grow and now she is one of my best friends! She is someone who loves and cares so deeply! She is passion and fire and is the friend that will go to battle for and with you! I’m so thankful for her and the joy she has brought to my life! I think she cried more than I did when we got engaged-but that just speaks to how hard she loves. She’s one of my best friends and I couldn’t imagine this day without her!
Daniel Brown
Daniel Brown - Groomsmen
He's single ladies!!!!!!! Daniel and I spent many midnight shifts together giving criminals hell, and causing Admin to certainly question why they hired us.
Jessica Harris
Jessica Harris - bridesmaid
Jessie and I have known each other since we were 5 years old!! She’s my oldest friend and the one that no matter how much time has gone by since we’ve seen each other-it’s like no time has passed. She stood by me through so much in my life-and knows all my secrets-but would never tell! She’s got a heart of gold and I couldn’t get married without her next to me!
Chris Brown
Chris Brown - Groomsman
Chris and I became really close when I was hired on the Police Department and he tried to kill me during a keg stand competition. Over the years on midnight shift and our mutual love for the song “call me maybe” we became brothers.
Brantley Foster
Brantley Foster - ringbearer
Brantley made me an Auntie! He’s the spunky kid with the biggest heart. He loves me and Uncle Anfony-as he called him when he was younger. He’s all boy and the best big brother!